Planning a post-sprawl future by building up local & state capacity for transit oriented communities

WORK LIVE RIDE - HB 6831 Passed the P & D Committee - Next Stop: The House!

We are expecting a vote in the House in early May!

Contact your legislator to support Work Live Ride here.

Stay tuned for upcoming actions and news.




of Connecticut Homerenters


of Connecticut Homeowners

spend more than 1/3 of their

paycheck on housing cost

Source: DOH

Because sprawl favors single-family homes on large lots and makes everything else illegal or rare

Work Live Ride increases affordability by:

  • Establishing special districts to increase housing supply near transit

  • Legalizing new, efficient housing choices like “missing middle” homes

  • Incentivizing Affordable Housing by streamlining public & non-profit home development



Connecticut has


unfilled jobs &


population growth over the last decade

Source: CBIA

Because sprawl isolates businesses, workers, and customers from each other & blocks innovation

Work Live Ride boosts economic growth by:

  • Connecting more people to more jobs through greater access to transit

  • Creating mixed-use, walkable neighborhoods to stimulate foot traffic to local businesses

  • Expanding Workforce Housing to own or rent by prioritizing developments in districts for state programs




of CT’s emissions come from transport

of CT’s emissions come from residential


Source: DEEP

Work Live Ride fights climate change by:

  • Incentivizing “infill” development near existing infrastructure and away from natural spaces

  • Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled by making transit and micro-mobility feasible alternatives to driving

  • Generating more efficient energy use and resource management through more multi-family homes, adaptive reuse of old buildings, and smaller homes

Because sprawl mandates low-density, single-use development that devours green space and centers cars

Here’s what WORK LIVE RIDE does:


  • Work Live Ride is HB 6831. You can find draft language here.

  • In 2024, Work Live Ride passed the House with 90 votes! However, it was not taken up in the Senate. We are hopeful that Work Live Ride will pass both chambers during the 2025 legislative session.

  • The bill has 3 components related to allowing more housing as of right: Allowing smaller developments of 9 homes or less (duplexes, triplexes, quads, etc); Allowing any development over 10 units containing 30% deed-restricted homes; and Allowing any development owned by the public, non-profits, or religious organizations with 100% deed-restricted homes.

    Additionally, it contains language incentivizing publicly owned developments and alternative equity models like Community Land Trusts.

  • The size and location of the TOC District will be defined by a community’s planning & zoning commission and the local wetlands agency or commission. This way, environmental review and public comment about climate impacts can be conducted up front in the design phase. After a TOC District has passed, if a proposal includes or abuts wetlands, there will be a public hearing in the wetlands agency.

  • Transit Oriented Communities and Transit Oriented Development are pretty much the same concept - building more homes and jobs near transit service - but we prefer to emphasize the community part and to make the larger argument that TOCs are the key to a post-sprawl future and not just small, one-off projects.

  • Yes, very!

    According to a poll conducted by Growing Together CT, 76% of likely CT voters support building more homes near bus and rail routes. A Pew Research poll shows that TODs have over 80% of support from likely voters in the Northeast.

  • Yes! He was on the record saying he would sign WLR last session. He also included funding for WLR in his previous budget, and we hope that he includes funding for WLR once again in his current budget.

  • We want to make it clear that the future of our state’s economy and population growth is tied to building more homes around public transportation. We want to see more homes and more jobs and greater access to both.

    Work Live Ride does that.

  • Check out our News page to read the latest the press coverage about Work Live Ride!

  • TOCs are a popular and proven concept to generate more homes. States like Massachusetts, California, New York, and Montana have recently passed similar bills.

  • It is true, there are no mandates. Towns and cities have the choice to opt-in or not. We want to support communities that are eager for these kinds of developments and think that’s a better way to see growth in our state and our state’s capacity to plan. Mandates from the state (without the proper support) have been hard even for pro-homes allies locally to support and we want to change that dynamic.

  • That’s up to the local community!

    Rather than dictate the size of a district or location near a specific station, Work Live Ride allows the local Planning & Zoning Commission and wetlands agency to determine the district’s size and what transit route it is concentrated around by working with the ORG. All that matters is that the community creates one district within its borders that is a reasonable size.

  • There are 111 towns and cities have at least one regular transit route, including bus service and 54 that are considered “transit adjacent.”

  • The Office of Responsible Growth will help towns and cities with three state “buckets” of funding: planning and design, infrastructure improvements, and home construction subsidies. Funding will come from existing grants overseen by other state agencies that the office will streamline and from a discretionary fund the office will oversee directly.

  • No, a municipality’s participation is strictly voluntary and ultimately if its leadership is uncomfortable with the process, they can pull out. Once a town has opted-in and created the TOC Districts, they are obligated to sustain them.

  • Yes!

    This year we are including local bus, rapid bus, and train service to expand the types of riders and communities that can benefit from TOCs. Even if a bus station is only a sign on the side of the road right now, if a town or city wants to prioritize this as the future of their communities, they can.

  • Yes!

    Contrary to some people’s perception, there is a rich density of transit service across the state. It has been underfunded and underappreciated in many circles, but we think the best answer to these problems is more transit riders, which Work Live Ride will create.

  • There’s a chance that your town might have transit that you might not be aware of! Plus, even if your town doesn’t have transit, your town might be able to participate as a transit-adjacent community.

  • Like last year, we plan to support Just Cause protections, more funding for the Rental Assistance Program and frontline homelessness services, funding for transit, among others; and this year we will also support the 2025-2030 State Conservation and Development Policies Plan. Stay tuned to see what bills we will be following.

Work Live Ride 2025 Needs Your Help!

Tell Your Representatives to Support Work Live Ride


  • “Increased density around transit hubs across the state means more people have the ability to live in and travel to our neighborhood easily. This would increase potential foot traffic around my business, which is located close to a FastTrak station, and could have a profoundly positive impact on the economic redevelopment of this historic area of our capital city.”

    – Jack Sullivan, Coffee Shop Owner, Hartford

  • “My husband and I live near Merritt 7 Station, and find it a wonderful, quick way to get into NYC. We would be glad to have some shops and restaurants around the station that we access easily. I am always glad to see people on the trains rather than in cars, which means less pollution, better stewardship of our Earth.”

    – Janet & Jim Luongo, Advocates, Norwalk

  • “As a Mother of 2 active boys, I also see the failure to equip our streets with safe bike paths. Biking would allow my family and I to visit our community garden, local park, and even the grocery store. Biking will mentally and physically stimulate us - impacting our overall health. We need solutions to safe streets and bike paths, this bill could help solve this issue.”

    – Maybeth Morales-Davis, Activist, Waterbury

  • “So many of us love the town we live in just the way it is, but maintaining the status quo leads our economy to an unsustainable place. Work Live Ride provides a roadmap to balance the tension between status quo and moving forward to new economic realities.”

    – Joseph Rizzulo, Professor Emeritus, Yale University | Member, P&Z Commission of Guilford