Our Ideas

  • Transit-Oriented Communities

    Connecticut must get on board for dense, mixed-use development with diverse housing options near train stations and CTfastrak stations.

  • Accessory Apartments

    With the passage of HB 6107, Connecticut became the 8th state to legalize accessory apartments - but we still need towns to support their creation.

  • Sensible Lot Sizes

    Connecticut could foster more equitable, sustainable communities by rethinking one-size-fits-all lot sizes.

  • Walkable Neighborhoods

    Connecticut could support small-scale housing in mixed-use areas to boost businesses and create jobs.

  • Parking Reform

    With the passage of HB 6107, Connecticut became the 4th state to enact state-level parking legislation, and the first to affect all housing, including market-rate apartments not near transit.

  • Commission Mergers

    Connecticut could empower towns to merge land use commissions.